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2020-04-23The Wrocław Congress Ambassadors Programme complements and strengthens the nationwide Programme of Polish Congress Ambassadors and has been led by the Convention Bureau in Wrocław since 2006. The title of the Wrocław Congress Ambassador is both a distinction and a confirmation of activities that are aimed at promoting Wrocław as the best destination to organize conferences and congresses.
The group of Wrocław Ambassadors is constantly growing and now it has 49 persons. Thanks to the Programme, Wrocław is gaining more and more international events in very diversified subject matters. Wrocław Congress Ambassadors are active throughout the whole year, getting involved in the organization and taking actively part in many interesting events. Below, we present the scope of their activities in 2020.
Prof. Leszek Paradowski as the Chairman of the Scientific and Organizing Committee, organizes a conference in Wrocław called Wrocław Gastroenterological Spring, which will take place on the 5th of September 2020 in the Main Building of the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences. This year’s programme of the XXIV Wrocław Gastroenterological Spring addresses, as always, current problems of modern gastroenterology and issues important in everyday medical practice.
Prof. Edward Chlebus as the Director of the CAMT-FPC Center (Center for Advanced Manufacturing Technologies – Fraunhofer Project Center CAMT-FPC) is responsible for conducting a conference in Wrocław called Additive Manufacturing 2020, which will take place in September 2020 at the Wrocław University of Technology. As a research unit, CAMT-FPC was founded in 2008 at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Wrocław University of Technology and is part of the international Fraunhofer Project Center (FPC) created together with Fraunhofer Geselschaft from Dresden in the field of laser and incremental technologies.
During the AEROMIXER 2020 event – Civil & Military Aeromixer, Prof. Edward Chlebus will lead under his auspices a discussion panel. AEROMIXER is the international event dedicated primarily to manufacturing and service companies from the aviation industry, which will take place on the 23th of September 2020 at the Conference Center at the Wrocław Stadium. Prof. Edward Chlebus as the panel moderator will provide relevant information on new investments and projects related to the aviation sector that are implemented in Lower Silesia voivodship.
Prof. Aleksander Weron gave a lecture on “Anomalous diffusion and classification of data in molecular biology” at the Wrocław University of Technology. This meeting took place on the 28th of January at the Congress Center of the Wrocław University of Technology. This lecture was delivered as part of Interdisciplinary Scientific Seminars – a series of open meetings organized by the Wrocław University of Technology, where participate a number of world-famous speakers and it is addressed to a wide audience – students, PhD students, academics and all interested in gaining their knowledge in the field of exact sciences.
Prof. dr hab. Jacek Szepietowski, as the Chairman of the Scientific Committee, is responsible for organizing the 8th CONFERENCE ON CONTROVERS IN DERMATOLOGY, which will take place from the 3 th till the 5th of December 2020 in Wrocław. The logistic and substantive organizer of the event is the Termedia Publishing House, and its participants will receive educational points for taking part in the conference.
Dr hab. Bogusława Dorota Gołębniak, Prof. of The University of Lower Silesia was elected to the Committee of Pedagogical Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences (KNP PAN) for the period of time lasting from 2020 till 2023.
We are honoured that such prominent representatives of the world of science and business, who are so actively engaged in the meetings industry, participate in the Wrocław Ambassadors Programme. Thanks to them, Wrocław is becoming more popular choice for organising international events.