Wrocław virtual tour
Wrocław Ambassadors Activity in 2020
2020-04-21A virtual tour of various objects in the city is a good solution in a situation, in which we can not visit or see them personally. What are the benefits? Certainly, we do not have to deal with queues to purchase tickets and with the crowds of tourists in the tour routes, or simply we have a chance of observing the details, that we oftenest miss in everyday rush. Some of these buildings, as city residents, we pass on the way to work and we have no opportunity to look at them from a completely different perspective.
Our city also hosts many varied international events – you may be thinking about organising a large conference or congress – now you have the opportunity not only to find information about the parameters and capacity of the building, but also to take a virtual walk inside of it and view its interior. In addition, thanks to virtual walks we had the opportunity to enrich information about selected objects on our website, where you can explore the place before visiting it directly.
On our website you will be able to walk virtually around hotels, as well as conference and congress facilities. We will be updating our database of virtual walks as they become available, and in the meantime we would like to invite everyone for an unusual trip around Wrocław.
- Grape Hotel&Restaurant 5* – https://www.grapehotel.pl/hotel/wirtualny-spacer
- Sofitel Wrocław Old Town 5* – http://go.360stopni.eu/SWOT
- Art Hotel 4* – https://www.ai360.pl/panoramy/103
- Haston City Hotel 4* – http://www.haston.pl/galeria/hotel
- Novotel Wrocław Centrum 4* – http://tiny.cc/44z4mz
- ibis Styles Wrocław Centrum 3* – http://www.worldpicture360.pl/Portfolio360.ibis_styles_wroclaw_centrum.html
- Novotel Wrocław City 3* – http://3d.worldpicture360.pl/novotel_wroclaw_city/
- Hotel Śląsk 3* – https://www.holoit.com/wroclaw/hotel%20slask/
Conference and congress facilities/Museums/Educational venues:
- History Centre Zajezdnia – https://www.zajezdnia.org/virtual-tour/index.html
- Hydropolis (The center of knowledge and information about water) – https://hydropolis.pl/wirtualny-spacer/
- Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Science – https://www.upwr.edu.pl/uczelnia/42029/wirtualne_spacery.html
- National Forum of Music – https://www.nfm.wroclaw.pl/wirtualny-spacer
- The Centennial Hall – https://e-panoramy.pl/cenntennalhall.html
- Wrocław Stadium – https://youtu.be/iY1tjkdMXGg
- Edith Stein House – https://www.google.pl/maps/@51.1232987,17.0497379,3a,75y,294.61h,81.05t/data=!3m10!1e1!3m8!1sAF1QipMCm8IaY9oo5nDhnyOqS4T3vRrsRvGy1np3Heu-!2e10!3e12!7i13312!8i6656!9m2!1b1!2i50
- The Institute of Power Systems Automation – IASE http://www.iase.wroc.pl/wirtualny_spacer/
- Center of Culture AGORA – https://www.ckagora.pl/wirtualny_spacer/start.html
- The Academy of Physical Education – https://awf.wroc.pl/na-skroty/na-skroty-5/wirtualny-spacer-po-obiektach-awf-wroclaw-12912
- University of Wrocław – Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics – https://www1.wpae.uni.wroc.pl/spacer/
- Wrocław University of Economics and Business – http://www.ue.wroc.pl/uczelnia/3794/mapa_uczelni.html
- Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich – https://muzeumpanatadeusza.ossolineum.pl/spacer-po-muzeum/
Sports and recreational facilities:
- Swimming pools at Wejherowska Street https://www.wroclaw.pl/twg2017/nowy-basen-wejherowska-kamera-360
- Aquapark Wrocław – https://aquapark.wroc.pl/wirtualny-spacer/