ECMI 2023

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ECMI 2023

The 22nd ECMI (European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry) Conference on Industrial and Applied Mathematics is a prestigious event held every two years in various European countries. This year, it will take place for the first time in Poland, at the Wrocław University of Science and Technology. The conference aims to strengthen the relationship between the academic world, where groundbreaking scientific discoveries are made in various fields, and the industry, which seeks new solutions and technologies leading to innovation and inspiration in both areas.

The event is designed for anyone interested in mathematics as a practical tool to address current social and economic challenges. The conference provides a platform for the exchange of knowledge, experiences, and inspiration between scientists and industry representatives.

One of the important events during the conference will be the Industry Day, where representatives from various industries will share their experiences in applying modern mathematical tools in their companies. This day will conclude with a meeting of experts from different fields who will discuss the challenges of today’s world, where an approach based on mathematical modeling can be extremely helpful.

The ECMI conference is an excellent opportunity to integrate science and industry and build bridges between these two sectors. Through joint efforts and collaboration, a new perspective on development and innovation in various fields can be achieved, utilizing the potential of mathematics and its practical applications.


26 - 30 Jun 2023


All Day


Centrum Kongresowe Politechniki Wrocławskiej
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ECMI 2023
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