Innovation Festival was held on 21 – 23 October 2013 in Wrocław. The Festival highlighted the possibilities of developing and commercialising innovative climate change products and services. Innovation Festival brought together Climate-KIC partners, students and entrepreneurs as well as European policy makers and business market leaders.
The main organizer of Innovation Festival is Climate-KIC, which in cooperation with the Wrocław Research Centre EIT+ and The Centennial Hall brought it off. They give opportunities for innovators in the field of climate change and give them a chance for development and tools to achieve the goals.
During the Innovation Festival in Wrocław guests discussed about Climate-KIC achievements, innovative solutions among clean-tech start-ups taking part in the Venture Competition, services and products working to improve climate. Over 180 people took part in workshops prepared for participants of Pioneers into Practice programme. The programme is dedicated to a new generation of pioneers – people who have skills to effectively develop technologies that enable use of natural resources and create pro-ecological solutions. Participation in the programme involves foreign and domestic traineeships, as well as many training sessions and meetings that support networking.
The capitol of Lower Silesia hosted over 600 guests, who represented various European countries: Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Spain, France, Hungary, The Netherlands, Denmark, Italy, Great Britain and Poland. Convention Bureau – Wrocław team, which was working together with Wrocław Research Centre EIT + team, was taking care of the organizational issues. Wrocław Congress Center has been the main meeting place for Innovation Festival participants.