EuroBasket (2009)
2022-08-31The Visit of Dalajlama XIV in Wrocław (2008)
2022-08-31European Parliament Day was an event accompanying a great exhibition applied to history of European Union “Europe – It’s our history! 50 years of European adventure”, which was earlier showed only in Brussels.
It was created to celebrate fiftieth anniversary of the Treaties of Rome, within a wider project called The Museum of Europe. It shows a complex process of formation of a united Europe (1945- 2007), which we are able to follow not only through history of institutions or important personalities, but also woven into it biographies of casual peoples – representatives of 27 European Union nations.
Polish edition of the exhibition was organized on fifth anniversary of joining our country to European Union and twentieth anniversary of first free elections in Poland. It was enriched with new elements, which emphasize huge role of Poland as the initiator of the collapse of communism in Europe.
Ceremonial opening of the exhibition took place on 1 may 2009 in Wrocław in Hala Stulecia.
The Exhibition could be seen up to 5 august 2009.
European Parliament Day was aimed at school youth, students but also at Wrocław citizens and visitors, who visited exhibition on 29 may in Hala Stulecia.
Main objective of the project was to popularize knowledge about European Parliament – the only European Union institution, which is chosen in direct election and its activities and role it plays in the European Union structure.
Wrocław secondary school pupils have taken part in European Parliament Knowledge Competition and participated in the debate, modeled on the discussions held in this institution.
University students was invited attend the conference “Role of European Parliament in strengthening human rights” with the participation of Sakharov Prize laureates and representatives of Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, which ended with the oxford- style debate.
One of the undoubted attractions was debate led by redactor Tomasz Lis with foreign journalist accredited in Poland – “Role of Poland in European Union”.
The best high school students went on a study visit to Brussels, combined with visits to the European Parliament
The project ” European Parliament Day in Wrocław was founded in 70% by the Parliament, and 30% covered the city of Wrocław.