Qualifications to Olympic Handball Tournaments in Beijing 2008 took place on 30 May-1 June 2008 in Wroclaw.
In Autumn 2007 Wroclaw was visited by Peter Muhlematter- Secretary General for the International Handball Federation(IHF). He perceived Wrocław as the best candidate to organize such an important event. Wroclaw had to fulfill numbers of requirements among others: high standard accommodation of national representations, referees, VIPs and TV signal from 14 different cameras.
Moreover several handball teams from Lower Silesia participate in first league competition. It was another important factor which determined decision to choose Wroclaw as the organizer of Qualifications to Olympic Handball Tournaments.
That tournament was qualification to Olympic Games in Beijing 2008. It was an extraordinarily important sport event and required excellent organization. The Centennial Hall gathered thousands of handball fans and 4 handball national representations from Poland, Sweden, Iceland and Argentina.
The Qualifications to Olympic Handball Tournaments in Beijing 2008 held in Wroclaw were a great success. Large number of handball fans and fulfilled IHF requirements are evidence of that and prove that Wroclaw is ready for organization of large and prestigious events.