The Wrocław Tourism Organisation has been already established!
New restrictions from 1st of December – COVID-19
2021-12-01On the 23rd of November, we had the opportunity to meet local representatives of the MICE industry during the Local MICE Business Meeting at Arche Hotel Wrocław.
We owe the numerous attendance to representatives of Wrocław hotel, conference and congress facilities, representatives of the event industry and speakers: Agnieszka Szymerowska – President of the Convention Bureau – Wrocław, Alfred Wagner – Deputy Director of the City Promotion and Tourism Department in Wrocław, Monika Domaradzka – CEE Hydropolis Leader, Wiktoria Król – Cieciorowska – MICE Specialist Convention Bureau – Wrocław and Urszula Dziemsza – Director of Arche Hotel Wrocław. As part of the meeting, we had the opportunity to discuss the current situation of the MICE industry. All discussions were chaired by Agnieszka Szymerowska. Alfred Wagner told the participants of the meeting about the newly established Wrocław Tourist Organization. Wiktoria Król-Cieciorowska presented closest prospects and planned events for next year in Wrocław. The speaker – Monika Domaradzka – discussed the exhibits on display at the stand of Wrocław by Hydropolis during this year’s Dubai 2020 EXPO. At the end Urszula Dziemsza presented the Hotel Arche Wrocław as a newly established hotel and conference facility in Wrocław, right next to the airport.
We would like to thank all representatives of the MICE industry and our speakers for participating in the event and for the joint discussion.
This meeting took place as part of the project entitled “DEVELOPMENT OF BUSINESS TOURISM AND STRENGTHENING THE CONFERENCE AND CONGRESS POTENTIAL OF WROCŁAW AS A LOCAL TOURIST PRODUCT IN 2019-2021”, financed by the Commune of Wrocław.